Holy crap. I swear the clocks just struck thirteen…

I refer you, dear reader, to these abominations. I am, quite simply, speechless with rage and anger. This is several steps up from their previous scare campaign.

This is ridiculous. I feel like the entire UK is being run by the f***ing Stasi. When’s the wall being built?

Are they trying to provoke a civil war?

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen”
Opening line of 1984, by George Orwell.



The number of days you can be incarcerated whilst ‘the powers that be’ can decide which terrorist activities you may have been guilty of.

Dear UK: You are guilty, try and prove you’re innocent.

If David Cameron promises to remove the current Police-state-in-construction, he’s got my vote (and I have always voted Labour).
